These Ecommerce Web Design Mistakes Are Killing Your Sales

An ecommerce website is only created to generate sales and revenue. So, it is important to make sure it is not only easy to use but also appealing to the eye.

A good web design is the fusion of an intriguing interface and user-friendly functions that deliver seamless shopping experience to visitors. However, there are websites that only focus on either aesthetic appeal or functionally, failing to provide the convenience that customers are looking for when shopping online.


Let’s dig into common website design mistakes that have a huge negative impact on your bottom line.

Bad Image Quality

Let’s face it, online shopping offers the convenience of buying from home along with various other benefits like better deals and discounts, easy price comparison, comprehensive varieties, 24/7 availability of online shops etc. However, there are some aspects of online shopping that can easily turn into a disadvantage and kill your ecommerce sales. One of these aspects is product image.

There is no doubt that picture plays a crucial role in buyers’ purchasing decision and providing them with bad quality of photos will definitely kill your sales.

To use product images to your advantage, upload high quality pictures of your product from multiple angles and in different colours available to provide the buyer a good idea of how the product looks like.

Misguided Product Descriptions

Your product descriptions set you apart from your competitors and are extremely important but overlooked often. As a result, provide customers with confused and vague product description.

It is important for you to create product descriptions that give clear and precise details of the products to help customers make informed purchasing decision. Informative and engaging descriptions combined with high quality images encourage customers to add the product to their cart and compete the purchase.

Complicated Checkout Process

Buying new products excites customers but unnecessarily going through extra steps after adding a product to the cart can refrain them from completing the purchase.

That said, a long, tedious and confusing checkout process could become the reason for low conversion rate on your website.

Besides creating a one-page checkout, offering a “checkout as guest” option will allow users who don’t have the time to create an account, to make purchases without having to go through multiple steps.

Overlooking Mobile Optimisation

Nowadays, customers that shop online via mobile are rapidly increasing. So, make sure to build a website that is mobile optimised.

If your competitors are already providing your customers with a mobile optimised website, you are at a higher risk of being abandoned, especially if you don’t provide them with a mobile-friendly design.

Having a website that alters its layout and appearance to look good on a variety of mobile devices or screens can be an added advantage for business owners.

Overwhelming Navigation

Integrating too many options and unnecessary categories in a website is a common mistake. If your customers can’t find what they are looking for, they’ll leave your website as soon as they arrive.

By focusing on the points listed below, you can optimise your navigation efficiently.

  • Think about your target audience.
  • What are they looking for or what are their requirements?
  • Organise your menu and navigation options effectively and help customers reach where they need to be in the least amount of clicks possible.

Slow Loading Pages

Websites are created to provide seamless user experiences, hence should be customer-centric. Users tend to quickly abandon sites that load slowly and may never come back. That said, make sure your responsive website is easy to navigate and read, and doesn’t take more than 3 seconds to load.

Anything that negatively affects page loading speed of your website such as complex graphics and auto-play videos should be removed.

To sum up

Each of these web design mistakes is fixable with the availability of right professional experts and support. Consider hiring a company that specialises in Magento web development in Sydney and also has a track record of delivering high converting ecommerce websites. A robust website designed by Magento experts will not only increase your sales but also pave the way for repeat purchases.

4 Actionable tips to gain more organic traffic to your website

Every business wants to make sure when people look for a product or service similar to their product range, they find them (the business) instead of their competitor. While there are many paid advertising and marketing methods that help businesses achieve this objective, the importance of building organic traffic can’t be neglected.

Organic traffic refers to visitors that land on your website as a result of unpaid searches. In simple terms, visitors who find your website after using search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo are considered organic.

Unlike paid advertising that drive instant traffic, however, these methods will take time. But, they are certainly worth your effort.

So, if you are ready to invest your time and effort to increase your organic traffic the right way, you must follow these tips.

Content is king, respect it

The first objective for businesses is to take content marketing strategy seriously. Don’t write content for the sake of it because it will not do any good to your brand reputation. Your website is a representation of your business. It largely affects whether a visitor will make a purchase from you or leave without taking a desired action.

Publish new content consistently as it will convey the users that you are serious about your business as well as your audience. If you publish genuine, informative blogs frequently and keep your website updated with fresh, relevant content, people will find your website more useful and will come back to know more about your product/service and brand.

Guest blog for traffic, not SEO

Guest blogging helps you gain traffic while boosting your SEO ranking in a cost-effective way. It is basically a practice of contributing your posts to another person’s blog in order to build exposure and links. But your duty doesn’t end after publishing a guest blog. You must check the blog regularly and respond to queries put up by readers in a timely manner.

This will help you engage your audience and build a relationship with new visitors as well.

Be more specific with keywords

Don’t follow what everyone is doing. By this we meant, you don’t need to necessarily bid your money on broad phrase keywords just because they get high search volumes. Probability is thousands of other businesses have already bid on those keywords and you may not stand a chance to rank amongst others unless you devote 2-3 months into it. Instead, go for low hanging-fruit keywords.

For instance, if you offer web development services, don’t go for “web development services” as there are already infinite businesses that rank for this phrase. Rather, you can add more detail by adding the place where you serve like “web development services in Sydney, Australia”.

Create powerful internal links

Create backlinks to your existing articles by using a good internal linking system. By linking to relevant posts, you will allow your customers to stay on your website for longer which will eventually boost your search rankings in Google.

To sum up

Providing quality information on your website, guest blogging regularly and using keywords strategically will ultimately drive more organic traffic to your website.

Besides, you can get in touch with a leading service provider of web development in Australia to discover various other ways to drive more organic traffic to your website. Working with a web development firm in Sydney will allow you to optimise different aspects of your website for better functionality, search engine rankings and conversions.

5 Quick Tips to Boost E-commerce Sales in your Magento Store

There’s no denying the fact that eCommerce sales are increasing.

With more and more consumers doing good amount of online shopping than ever before, retailers are trying their level best to attract customers by offering awesome shopping experience to them.

It’s tough to get the attention you need to drive traffic and revenue for your eCommerce store.

Thankfully, there’s an outstanding eCommerce platform known as Magento. It enables you to concentrate on your business by automating numerous processes while helping merchants increase their business many folds in a brief time span.

Let’s find out top 5 business strategies that the most successful Magento merchants use to grow ecommerce sales.

Start a blog for your online store to boost eCommerce sales

Blog posts that give useful information to your audience generate handsome amount of traffic. And, as a result, they will help you lift eCommerce sales. They serve as an excellent medium to communicate with your target market. And, most importantly engage with them.

An impressive blog has a magical power to establish a great connection with your customers. By doing this you are eventually increasing eCommerce sales in your online store. Regular blogging can help you also improve your SEO rankings.

Doesn’t that sound good?

It’s true.. Fresh and helpful content that’s written regularly, makes it easy for people to discover your online store in search engine results.

Use social media marketing the right way

If you use social media wisely, you can easily increase eCommerce sales by reaching your target audience quite effectively. Consider the following tips:

Post helpful content on your social pages with a link attached to your eCommerce store. This will increase your website traffic.

Use Facebook ads: Identify your target customer and then showcase your ads to them. You can do this by installing Facebook Pixel on your site. This will help you target a specific set of audience on Facebook in a better way.

Announce exclusive offers and run contests in your social post: Exclusive offers and contests infuse incredible interest in your fans, and as a result, they are more likely to get converted to customers.

Make use of the retargeting/ remarketing strategy:  Retargeting strategy can help boost ecommerce sales in your Magento store. By showing ads to those who have already seen your offerings on  your ecommerce website, you are boosting chances of them actually making a purchase from your store.

Integrate product reviews to your Magento website

Product reviews not only help users make right purchase decisions, but the good ones also encourage them to shop more. That’s why many popular eCommerce sites integrate product reviews to their Magento websites which are written by the verified buyers.

Honest customer reviews help in winning the trust of people. They keep faith in the opinions of customers who have bought the products and if, luckily, you have sizable number of positive reviews on your product page, then people will truly trust you.

Provide excellent shopping experience to the mobile users

The number of mobile users is increasing by leaps and bounds, and so the number of people buying from mobile devices. That’s why it is crucial to make your Magento website mobile-friendly. This will help you to increase eCommerce sales in your online store.

Ensure the easy checkout process for your customers

Difficult checkout process deters customers from buying. No one likes to waste time and energy in cumbersome process of registering and filling lengthy forms on the internet. It is highly recommended to reduce the complexity of the checkout process and shorten it as much as possible. Easy checkout process will surely increase your eCommerce sales.


You can easily increase eCommerce sales in your Magento store by applying these 5 simple yet effective tips. Using host of unparalleled web development services, you can take your business to the next level. The Magento development community has also given us many useful extensions to boost eCommerce sales. So, hire highly experienced and reputable Magento experts to reap the extraordinary benefits of Magento.

Migrating to Magento? These Considerations Will Help Create a Seamless Experience

It goes without saying, building an ecommerce store on the Magento platform supercharges the business efficiency and productivity. Given the innovative features and world-class functionality Magento boasts, more and more online retailers are moving their ecommerce websites to the acclaimed platform. However, the long string of features and extensions, which are no doubt highly dynamic and efficient, often makes it a bit complex and challenging for users to tackle various ecommerce tasks on the platform itself.

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Marketing Strategies: 5 Effective ways to build Brand Awareness

Summary: Branding is an important aspect of a business, large or small, to spread awareness about the brand and products/services. PPC advertising, exhibiting and organizing promotional events are some great ways to build brand awareness.

Businesses, today, whether it’s asa high-profile restaurant or an e-commerce start-up, are known to consumers from their brand name. Do you ever realize that most times you need something or buy something, you ask for the product addressing its brand name instead of using the generic term for the same? You need a drink at a restaurant, you ask for a Coke or Pepsi. You ask for Vaseline when you need a petroleum jelly. You need a bandage, you ask for a Band-Aid. We use brand names as generic terms to refer to respective products, and this is what’s called brand awareness.

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Avail Shopping Cart Solutions for Improved Functionality of Your E-Store

Recent growth in the e-Commerce sector has shown the enormous significance of having an online presence. Getting found on the web isn’t an easy job as you need to take care of a zillion other things like SEO, ORM and website content. It’s definitely crucial to sustaining in an environment where your competitors keep pushing you down and your rankings drop by just one negative feedback. To avoid this hectic work, a web-store should be made using highly effective marketing tools in order to reach out to a wide audience.

So for the entrepreneurs, starting an e-Store, get top-notch quality and full-featured online shopping cart solutions that can fight half the battle. A complete e-commerce platform like Magento, Shopify or Joomla will get you the top-notch quality and a full-featured platform. With such a platform you can make e-commerce solutions of any size by delivering the best shopping cart solutions. Continue reading